April 11, 2008

Styleguide for Rails Projects



DRY - Don't Repeat yourself. http://www.jensjaeger.com/2008/04/das-dry-prinzip/ (german) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRY KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid http://www.jensjaeger.com/2008/04/das-kiss-prinzip/ (german) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle


General Ruby Styleguide http://rubygarden.org/ruby/page/show/RubyStyleGuide General Rails Styleguide: http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/CodingStandards


Everything in the source code must be written in english. Including comments, variable names and function names.


All files must be encoded with UTF-8.


Every method should have a meaningful name. For a procedure name use a strong verb. Example:
  For a function name use a description of the return value Example:
  Avoid meaningless or wishy-washy verbs. Descripe everything the method does. Make names of routines as long as necessary. The average length of methods should be from 15 to 20 characters.


Every variable should have a meaningful name. The most consideration in naming is that the name fully and accurately descripe the entity the variable represents. The average length of a variable should be from 8 to 15 characters. Use shorter name only for iterators in really short scopes. Example:
reports.each do |r|
  The scope of a variable should be as short as possible. Arrays should have a plural name. Example:
reports = Report.find(:all)
  Everything else should have a singular name. Example:
report = Report.find_by_id(1)


Naming like variables. There should be no numbers in the sourcecode. Every number should be a constant defined in environment.rb. Example:
PAG_PAGES = 10 #items per page for pagination


Comment as much as possible. You shouldn't comment WHAT your code does (this would be hurt the DRY-Principle), you should comment WHY your code does something.

Stay DRY

If you are doing something more than once, extract it into a method. This is especially the case when it comes to conditional queries. So instead of writing:
@reports = Report.find(:all, :conditions => ["deleted = ", 1])
you should write a method:
class Report  ["deleted = ", 1])


Use paranthesis with "standard" method calls and no paranthesis for helper-style hash arguments. Example:
#instead of
Report.find_by_id 1
ink_to "view", { :action =>; "view" }
#instead of
link_to("view", { :action => "view" })


Thanks to Florian Gilcher for the helpful comments.


coding standards, DRY, KISS, Ruby on Rails, Styleguide

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