I try to make it a habit to read/listen to 2 business or personal education related books each month. I finally finished the last one today. Here is my read list for 2013 in chronological order:
- Eat that frog ( audio book )
- Business Fiction ( book )
- The magic of thinking big ( audio book )
- Think and Grow Rich ( audio book )
- The Power of Positive Thinking ( audio book )
- Steve Jobs. Die autorisierte Biografie des Apple-Gründers ( audio book )
- Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself ( audio book )
- Designing Web Applications ( Pdf )
- Start with Why ( audio book )
- Glückskinder ( audio book )
- Sale. Die neuen Verkäufer ( audio book )
- Anything You Want ( audio book )
- Do the work ( audio book )
- Poke the Box ( audio book )
- Erfolgsgeheimnis Führungskultur: Bilanz eines Unternehmers ( book )
- Investment Punk ( book )
- The Millionaire Next Door ( audio book )
- Outliers ( audio book )
- Der A-Quotient ( book )
- Play for Java ( ebook )
- Die Dukan Diät ( ebook )
- 59 Seconds ( audio book )
- The Power of Habit ( audio book )
- Der Pragmatische Programmierer ( book )
As you can see, the majority are audiobooks. I try to always listen to a audio book when driving or workout.
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