Finally I found time to finish my writeup about the second day of railswaycon 2009.
RailsWayCon Session: Integrating Enterprise Java with JRuby and Rails
Michael showed some examples how to integrate Java with Ruby. The reasons for integrating Java with Rails might be reruse of java code or a smooth transitition to Rails.
He showed some swing programming from the jruby console and he used a EJB enitity bean fasade with a rails controller to provide a restinterface.
The talks was in a bit slow in general. I think Johann an the croud was still a bit tired from the webinale party the day before. But the talk gaves a really great overview integrating java with ruby.
RailsWayCon Keynote: From Rails to Rack: Making Rails 3 a better Ruby Citizen
In his Keynote Yehuda haves an an overview of Rails 3 which will be a merge with Merb.
In Rails 3 every part of rails will be a standardized Rack app. Rails with using Rack as a Core feature will be able to use and provides middleware in the rack standard. This will make testing much easier, because you can just mock every rack part of Rails.
This will make it much easier to replace parts of Rails with your own stuff. For example replace Active Record with Sequel or DataMapper and keep the Rails form magick work. Or replace prototype/ with jquery without loosing the rails ajax helpers.
Great Keynote!
RailsWayCon Session: Rails in Large
Neal gaves an overview how thoughtworks build on of the biggest rails apps. It’s the vehicle trade plattform
According to Neil ove has about 7million page views per week and they build the app with 11 pairs of developers, 8 buisness analysts and other staff.
He gaves a great overview how the development process at thoughtworks works and how the solve their problems.
RailsWayCon Session: Ruby/Rails in the Enterprise
Maik explaind how to solve typical problems programmers will face when developing Rails applications in a common enterprise environment.
Like large amounts of date in xml files lets you run in performance problems with rexml (you can solve them with using libxml).
Or i18n will force you to monkey patch active record because the sales department want different looking validation error messages.
A really great talk.
Information about Data protection